Monday, December 2, 2013

A Zombie Thanksgiving

Hello y'all! 

Ronie Writer is back! Better? Eh, probably not.

Sorry that I've been gone for so long. The author has been busy writing a novel for the past month, so I've been shoved in the back closet with all the other characters besides her round table of new characters. (Yes, Jessi, I'm glaring at you.)


Back to me. (Yes, that sounded selfish. No, I don't care. I've been locked in a closet with long forgotten characters and a very angry inner editor for an entire month. Right now, I need some air.)
Now, just because I was locked away doesn't mean nothing happened. On the contrary, I did some digging and even got out for a bit to have some fun of my own. One that comes to mind is this past Thanksgiving.

My family usually has a big hoopla to celebrate Thanksgiving, but because of my, uh, recent "accidents" we decided to not endanger anyone and just have a nice small immediate family Thanksgiving in hopes that maybe, maybe, the chaos would keep away long enough for us to finish dinner. 

Annalee was home for break and to do laundry and was put on "babysitting duty." In other words, she was to make sure I didn't cause or get into any trouble while Dad fried the turkey and Mom grabbed things from the oven just in time. I was in charge of setting the table and making sure the rolls didn't burn. Easy stuff. I finished setting the table and didn't have to put the rolls in until later, so I went out back with Dad just to get some fresh air. Dad went inside a minute, but it was a minute too long apparently.

I sitting there, minding my own business, when wouldn't you know it, the local zombie family of three caught the scent of the turkey. What, you don't have a family of zombies in your neighborhood? Oh, well we don't actually have a local zombie family, but they might as well have been!

"Uh, I don't suppose you're here to be neighborly?" I said slowly getting up from my chair.

"Ugggghhhhhhh," the daddy zombie said.

"Sorry, I don't speak brains," I replied. I grabbed the thermometer that was meant to check the temperature of the turkey and threw it point first at the zombies. My aim was perfect. Hit the daddy in the head, but unfortunately I forgot he was already technically dead so that was just a tickle to what brains he had left. Junior zombie didn't take too kindly to me stabbing his dad, so like any good zombie son, Junior charged me. 

*Pause that a moment*
Now when you think of zombies, you think slow and brainless. The ones in front of me definitely were not slow. They walked normally, except for the mom who obviously had an accident pre-death and was limping. So to say Junior was quick on his feet was a complete understatement. Brainless? Oh that's completely true.

*Annnndddddd gooooooo*
I side stepped out of the way and Junior ran straight into the side of the house. 

"Bet that'll leave a mark," I said. I side stepped again out of the way of daddy and mommy zombie as they swung at me.

"Come on! It's Thanksgiving!" I exclaimed. I grabbed a stick from the ground and knocked mommy zombie on her back and then knocked daddy zombie's head off.

"Ronie! I can't leave you alone for two minutes!" Lee complained running outside. She brought with her two things. A knife from helping Mom in the kitchen and a little light bomb.

*Pause again*
Light bombs are something Lee and I came up with over the long break of posts. They are small little grenade types of bombs. They have a timer on them so it gives you a beeping and red light flashing before it goes off. Trust me, that timer has saved my eyes hundreds of times since we put the suckers together. They explode and instead of damage to your entire body, it blinds you and, if you're close enough, it knocks you silly. So you can imagine what it would do to the undead.

*And play*
Lee tossed the bomb in the middle of the three zombies and I ducked away, covering my head and closing my eyes. The bomb went off and gave a high pitched beep, letting us know it was safe again. I peeked and saw Junior's arm lying nearby. I stood and saw Lee with her fists on her hips, eyes narrowed at me and her foot tapping. I gave a smile and shrugged, "Turkey's ready?"

So that was my Thanksgiving, anyone else have an...interesting thing happen? Doesn't have to be as extreme as zombies, could be anything from uncooked food to a traveling mishap.

Thanks for reading! I'll be back soon and hopefully with something from Conner....don't ask where he disappeared to, I have no idea and I don't want to talk about it.

Blog ya later!

Friday, October 18, 2013

I am a Horrible Person (Message from the Author)

I am a horrible person...honestly, I continually make promises that I never seem to keep! For instance, it has been about 2 months (or more) since the last episode of my YouTube show and I'm pretty sure you guys have abandoned this blog because I said I would let Ronie update and never did! I am a horrible, horrible person!

Please someone make her stop with the dramatics! For crying out loud! You do really have a life outside this computer.

And hello Ronie. Last I checked I thought the title said "Message from the Author", so why are you here?

Uh, my blog, remember? I show up when you show up.

Right....right.....okay. Back to my message. I apologize for the very long pause on this blog. I've had to rethink of the plot on this thing and may end up going back and scrapping most of it. Also, I've had a couple other projects in the works, one being my NaNoWriMo novel.

For those of you crazy people who don't know what that weird word is here's the full thing and definition in character terms: National Novel Writer's Month - a time where authors like to stretch themselves and in doing so cause a lot of chaos to characters like me in 30 days and in about 50,000 words or more.

*sigh* Thank you, Ronie, for that interruption. I'll explain more on my other blog (which will be linked here) and how you can keep up with that journey as well. That being said, during the month of November, this blog will be temporarily out of service.

All because she has to go running off with her other "new" and "cool" characters. -_-

I thought we talked about this? You know I will be back after November!

.......You're still leaving half of us in the dark, do you know how bored we get in that back room?

I gave you guys sources of entertainment!

Watching the November characters get beat up does not count as entertainment. We tend to rally protests together in their name...especially those who get killed on account of Mr. Plot.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why the middle of November starts getting hard. *sigh* anyways, back on topic! I hope to let Ronie spill her guts again on this blog soon so keep watching for updates!

And if you want to keep up with the crazy head author during November or want to know if/when I will be taking breaks or posting again, check her other blog "From the Mind of a Writer." (linked above and here) Also, if you want to encourage more posts from me - TELL THE AUTHOR!!!! Comment below, go bug her on her other blog! She's more likely to let me on if the people want to hear from me!

Okay, go back to the back room. NOW -_- Truly, I love my characters, but sometimes.....and that's a post for the other blog. Thanks for those who have hung out waiting for another post! I will do my best to get Ronie back on as soon as I can! Until next time! :)

P.S. Although the blog will say Ronie is writing on the other blog, it is me - Kelsey! :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In Honor of Shark Week

Hello Bloggers! Welcome back and thank you for staying tuned to this blog. Seriously, the author gets all giddy every time she sees people have read her blog.

Anyways, so this week is dubbed by Discovery Channel as "Shark Week" or I like to call it "Scare the people out of the ocean week." Don't get me wrong, I loves sharks. They are the coolest creatures I have ever seen. In Aquariums, they are the top thing I want to see while my mom is off taking pictures of the sea horses. But the last thing I want to know is that there was a shark attack only 2 years ago at a beach I was at last month. And yet, I sit on my couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch the craziness unfold on my TV screen.

In honor of Shark Week, my friends Grant, Taylor, Sarah and I went to the aquarium to check out some of the sharks and then back to Grant's house for a shark themed viewing party. Don't worry, no walking sharks showed up to ruin our good time. Instead, Conner showed up. We were at the aquarium and in the dark room themed for the shark tank. Taylor kept teasing Sarah about signing up for a cage dive with the bull sharks, which we all had learned were the ones who would attack swimmers with no fear. I was writing some things down in a notebook when someone, I thought first was Grant, had joined me. "Such a calm animal for something with so much power." I looked over to comment when I realized it was Conner. "What the crap?!" I hissed quietly. Conner gave me his classic smile and crossed his arms, "I heard you spoke with Annalee," he said ignoring my reaction. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the tank, "Yeah, okay, so?" I asked.
Conner chuckled, "I'll just assume she told you about our first meeting. Do you believe in the supernatural? Things that shouldn't exist?" he asked. I glared at him, did he really just ask that question? "No, I don't believe in the supernatural," I sarcastically spat. Conner laughed and nodded, "Alright, I deserved that one." I crossed my arms and gave him the cold shoulder, "What do you want Conner?" I asked under my breath.
"To let you know I'm checking some things out. Your sister and I have already started working on a theory that could help both of you defend yourselves and repel your little monsters," he replied. I pressed my lips together. Again, my sister was doing something without telling me. We were gong to have a a serious talk later. "Don't worry about anything, Ronie. Enjoy the time you have with your friends, we'll talk again soon," Conner said quietly. To my surprise, Conner pulled my arm out of its cross and kissed my hand. Before I had time to react, he left.

Sarah asked me a million questions later on about the boy who had talked to me at the aquarium. All I could tell her was that he was a friend of my sister's that I hadn't seen in a while. We then turned out attention back to Day of the Shark 3 on TV and forgot about it.

Well, not too eventful. Sorry for the lame post but I figured I'd share it anyways. Its just...weird. I only just met this guy, so why was he being so....oh what's that word! Ugh. Anyways, you get my point. Right?

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Introduce my Sister and the Author Speaks

Hello crazy bloggers! I have returned! And this time...I've brought another blogger with me. 
Hello all!
*face palm* Everyone, meet my sister Lee. She will blogging along with me from her college campus.
That's right, y'all. ;) I'll be blogging from my perspective so you get the whole story.
Oh gosh...*sigh* I apologize ahead of time, guys. This may turn messy if we ever blog at the same time again.
Oh you're just a pessimist aren't you? Everything is going to be just fine! 

Anyways, Lee and I will be posting when we can. With school just around the corner for us and the author being so crazy busy too, it might be a surprise when we post again.

My posts will start next week after I get back to my dorm and move some things around in my room. Hopefully I'll be able to fill in some gaps that Veronica leaves in her posts.
....Right....good luck with that...

Now we don't have an actual "story" to tell you guys this week, so just consider this your recap.

Here's what's happened so far:
My name is Ronie, and I have an attraction for monsters. (Trouble, you have an attraction for trouble. Not just monsters.)
I went to summer camp and got blobbed by big foot's cousin and sent home early. (*snicker* sorry, I can just see your face in this moment!)
I went swing dancing and met a stranger. (Why she didn't smack him the first time they met, I'll never know)
Went out to meet stranger, found out his name was Conner and found out he knew more than he was letting on. (Isn't that how it always works with the mystery guys? I mean take a look at...SHUT IT!)
Finally, met up with my sister and heard her side of everything. (And no, she's not going to say another word. Sister oath until I say so.)

See! That wasn't so bad, was it? 
Depends on your definition.

Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed the recap and update from us. Check back soon for more updates and be sure to leave us a comment and share the blog with your friends! :)

From the Author
Hi everyone! Thanks for being patient and sticking with the blog even though I'm late getting these guys to post. xP

As they said above they will be posting together. Lee from her college campus and Ronie from home. I'm excited to add Lee to the blog as it will give another set of eyes on everything and maybe we'll see another story come into light.

Something I want to do is give you guys time to ask questions every week. Whether it's for the characters or for me, I want to hear you guys out! So, starting next Friday (if questions come in) I want to do a Q&A post where your questions get answered. You can start posting your questions on this post and I'll check them out next week to answer them!

Be on the look out for more updates from me and recaps from Ronie and Lee! Bye for now! :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hot Chocolate with my Sister

Hello bloggers.
I apologize for the late post, my author got carried away with other things and wouldn't let me use the computer or tablet. Ah the curses of having several character "siblings" and only one author.

Anyways, back to my crazy life. I did end up calling my sister like Conner suggested, even if it was an out of the blue thing. Last time he mentioned something about "cocoa" which is just another term for hot chocolate that my sister liked to use. So, I asked her if she'd like to catch up over a mug. 

I know what you're thinking. It's summer, hot chocolate is not the best drink to have. But believe or not, my sister and I could drink the stuff all year round and never get sick of the stuff. It's kind of like Gibbs and coffee. Even if it's 100 degrees outside, he's still got a coffee cup in his hand.

My sister agreed to meet with me at the local coffee shop (not Starbucks, too much hipster there currently). 

Before I continue, let me explain some things about my sister. Her name is Annalee, she mostly goes by Anna but we like getting on each other's nerves so I call her Lee and she calls me by my full name. She's only three years older than me, but moved out to go to some really fancy prep school for the talented (for something musical I think). She and I, like I told Conner, hadn't spoken since 2007. The reason for that is behind a falling out argument we had that I'm not going to get into right now. 

I sat at the coffee shop, one mug of hot chocolate in my hands and another across from me. Lee would be arriving any minute and I was getting nervous. Not talking for six years tends to put a little anxiety between sisters. Finally, Lee walked in the door and joined me. "Wow, hot chocolate, so what trouble are you in now?" Lee asked flipping back her honey blonde hair behind her shoulders. I rolled my eyes, "You know me, I'm a trouble magnet. And that's actually why I asked to see you," I replied. Lee took a sip from her mug and cocked her eye brow, "Really? What the heck happened to you?" she asked. Now, the question itself was not bad, it was the way she went about asking it. So, please forgive me for what I said next. "What happened to me was I got dumped with all the crap that should have been yours plus extra," I spat. Lee glared at me, "You asked me here, Veronica, so just spit it out already." I hated it when she used my full name. I absolutely hated it. "Ya know what, this was a bad idea, I don't even know why I listened to him," I muttered getting up from my seat. Lee grabbed my wrist, "Hold on a second. What did you just say?" I furrowed my brow. Lee's grip and her wide eyes told me that I may have just found something in common with her. "Ronie, please. What did you just say?" she pleaded. I slowly sat back down, "I said this was a bad idea," I replied.
"After that. Did someone tell you to call me?" she asked. I slowly nodded and suddenly, Lee didn't seem her bright perky prep school self. "Lee? Hey, what is it? What's wrong?" I asked. Lee shook her head, "Ronie, this guy's name, was it Conner? Or did he tell you something different?" she asked.
"He told me Conner, and obviously he told you that name too," I replied. She nodded and pulled away from me. " do you know him?" I asked gently. 
"I met him on campus, just some random thing. He said his name was Conner and we needed to talk about..." I sat forward and took my sister's hand, "Talk about what?" I asked. She looked me in the eyes, "You. He said he needed to talk to me about you. Of course I blew him off, but he kept getting in my way. So I gave in. He told me you were problems and that you needed me again," she explained. I furrowed my brow, "Funny, he said you would need me." Lee smiled and chuckled, "Well that's how these guys work, I guess. So, shall we finish this and go somewhere we can actually talk?" For the first time around my sister, I smiled genuinely. We finished our hot chocolate and headed out for a walk. It was actually during that walk that I realized my sister and I, had more things in common than I thought.

I wish I could give you more details, but I am currently under sister oath. She might lift the oath herself, so watch the blog. You never know, my author could give her a chance to speak some too.

So, here's a question for you bloggers: What are you thinking so far? Any ideas of what the heck is going on with me? Because currently, I have no idea. Just so you know - no idea is a stupid idea (or so says the author). Comment away!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Rainy Day at the Gardens

Hello again bloggers, welcome back to the insanity. Last entry I told you I met some guy while swing dancing. Well today, I met him again, this time outside. 

If you hadn't noticed, or if you don't live in the southern part of the United States, it was raining like crazy today. Thunder and lighting accompanied the rain, which was going sideways. Why I still went out, I'm not sure. But I made my way to the gardens anyways.

My umbrella kept me out of the rain and out of the creepy creature eyes that could be hiding around. I walked around for a good half hour before I sat down on a bench under one of the willow trees in the garden. "Lovely weather, isn't it?" someone asked. I looked up and glared at the voice, which just happened to be mystery man. "If you're a fish," I spat. Mystery just smiled and leaned against the tree, completely ignoring the rain. "Any mishaps since last I saw you?" he asked
"Oh no, I am not answering any of your questions until you answer mine," I said getting to my feet. He shrugged, "I answer one of yours if you answer one of mine," he said. I hesitated a moment, but agreed to his terms. He motioned for me to join him and we started walking around the gardens again. "Let's start with the easy one, what's your name?" I asked. 
"I have different names depending on where I am, but you can call me Conner," he replied, "My turn, when was the last time you talked to your sister?" I tensed. The only other person who knew I had a sister was my author, and she obviously gave this guy the inside scoop. "I haven't spoken with her since Thanksgiving of 2007," I replied. Conner nodded then waited for my next question. "What did you mean when you said you could help me with my creature problem?" I asked quietly.
"I happen to know a few things about your...delicate situation that could turn things around for you. Or at least, it should." Well that was a good dodge, I had to give him that. Conner took my umbrella and put it away as the rain finally started to stop. "Do your parents know about all of your current mishaps?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "Honestly, do you think my parents know anything about this? They're too busy trying to get me into college," I muttered. 
"College is good, but you'll need to live long enough to get there," Conner said. I narrowed my eyes at him, "Okay, let's cut the crap. Just tell me what the heck is wrong with me and what I can do to fix it," I snapped. Conner chuckled then turned to me and bowed again like he did last week, "All in good time, Ronie. You better get home before your parents start to worry. We'll talk again soon." Conner started walking away, but I got in his path, "You are not going anywhere until you tell me what I want to know," I snapped. Conner sighed and looked up at the clearing sky, "You might want to give your sister a call, I think she might be in need of some cocoa at this time," he said. I stood there stunned and when I came to again, Conner was gone.

I'll explain the cocoa thing later, but you can probably tell that this is something just between me and my sister. Anyways, I have no idea what the heck is going on, but more than likely I'll be giving my sister a call this week. I will also be having a talk with my author. Seriously, giving away private information? That's a new low.

Note from the Author (Kelsey): Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying Ronie's posts! She's a bit angry with me right now, but I'll take care of that later. I'm writing because I wanted to say I love you all! This month (June - July) has had more views on this blog than ever before! I've had someone in Iceland read this blog! How awesome is that?! Thank you so very much for reading and taking interest. :) Please spread this blog around! I want Ronie's crazy journey to spread like wildfire! See you guys on the flip side!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Swing Dancing with a Stranger

Hello bloggers, welcome back to another segment of what I like to call, "The weird things that happen to Ronnie." In today's blog, I'll be telling you about my swing dancing experience. Don't worry, no monsters in this post.

This past Sunday I got a chance to go swing dancing with some friends. Hey, don't act so surprised! I have friends! Anyways, we went to this little place where we were taught a couple basic steps. Ya know step-1-2, step-3-4, and so on. By the end of the lesson I was able to follow the steps pretty well, even if my lead messed up. After the lesson there was some free swing where you got to practice your new moves. I was having fun, minding my own business when some guy pulls me to the dance floor without even asking me to dance. "Um can I help you?" I asked. 
"Better question, can I help you?" he replied. I glared at him, I really wanted to punch him, but he kept us moving to where I couldn't get a good shot at him. He was a good dancer and wasn't bad looking, I'll give him that, but he still annoyed the crap out of me with his mysterious act. "Why would I need your help?" I spat. Mystery dude spun me then pulled me into a closed hold, "I know of your little problem, Ronie. You attract odd creatures and I know why," he whispered. My eyes probably would have come out of my head if they really wanted to. I tripped over my feet and had him stop, "What do you mean you know why? Who the heck are you?" I snapped. The guy took a step back and bowed, "Meet me at the gardens, next week. I will explain then," he replied. And just as fast as he had grabbed me, he spun me around and was gone.

And so I have a date with a stranger this Sunday, great. In other news, I just got an invite to a girls thing next weekend too. Two crazy things in one weekend, can my life get any more complicated? Scratch that, don't tell the author I said that. She takes that as a challenge. Anyways, blog ya later!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This One Time at Camp....

You would think a girl would have time to blog some during the summer. Not this girl apparently. Apparently instead of letting me have my own time, I got sent to summer camp, aka social torture and technology lock down.

I told you last post that I was like you, but I apparently have differences. These differences showed themselves a little too much this week. Turns out that the "mean girls" of camp weren't my only worry of the week, but the lake monster and the monsters in the woods were. This is where all you bloggers go, "Monsters? You're crazy, there's no such thing as monsters!" 
This is also where I laugh at your ignorance. You have no idea what kind of monsters lurk around us everyday. But that's a topic for another day.

Today, I'm going to tell you about the lake incident. Ever heard of this thing called a blob? Its this big air cushion that sits on a body of water that people enjoy jumping on and then sending another person flying. Why people enjoy this thing I'm not sure. Somehow, though, a friend of mine convinced me to try it. I jumped onto the air cushion and crawled over to the launching part. When I looked back to give my friend the green light, instead of my friend standing on the diving board it was one very large and harry beast. You could probably call him big foot, but I think big foot would be offended. Anyways, the thing scared the crap out of everyone that they could do nothing but scream at it. He leaped off the diving board and before I could slide off I was shot into the air. I'm not sure what harry beast's goal was, but if it was to give me the worst belly flop in human history I'm pretty sure he succeeded. I smacked onto the water and went limp under the surface. The lake was unusually clear and that was unfortunate for me because when I was able to see again I saw the lake monster. No, I am not kidding. This thing was a monster with sharp claws and pointy teeth. I'm pretty sure I shot out of the water faster than anyone else had before. I was put in the sick house and my parents were called immediately. To say I was kicked out would be putting it mildly. 

And that, my dear bloggers, is why yours truly is never going back to summer camp. 

Any odd camp stories? Weird food? Cabin stories? My author will probably take these and do something with them in a video or something...either that or just laugh at them. Most likely the latter.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Well I guess I should say hello internet people. My name is Ronnie Writer. Yes, go ahead and laugh at the irony, but don't blame me. Blame the author. She's the one who stuck me with this name. -_-
What can ya do? Its not like you can choose your author.

Anyways. I'm supposed to keep you bloggers entertained with the activities of my daily life. Why I was assigned this gig, not sure. Its not like Kelsey doesn't have 10 novels I could be in or anything....I better stop rambling before I get deleted. 

My daily life is probably like yours. School, family, friends and freaky things chasing you. don't have things chasing you? No I'm not talking about your little brother I'm talking about the things that hide in the dark and your brother sees but you...and you no clue what I'm talking about.


So, maybe I've got a few quirks, but that might just be the thing to keep you bloggers reading. I won't post daily (gosh wouldn't that get boring) but I'll post enough. Just watch Kelsey's social media pages, I'm sure she'll share my posts there.

Well that's all for now. Excuse me while I go deal with the squid trying to get inside....kidding. Its the pizza guy. See ya.

Question: Honestly, do you guys want me to do polls or something? Kelsey said that might be a good way to "interact" with the inter web people. Let me know in the comments.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Time for a redo!

Hey there everyone! Its been a while! Ok...that might be putting it lightly. But I can explain. I've been super busy graduating high school! That's right folks, I survived high school.

Now I would go into more detail, but some things just need to stay off the internet. xP

Onto the reason I'm restarting this insanity. I now have a tablet, which means I can now blog on the go! But here's the thing. It  won't be me blogging. The title of this blog is "Character's Spot" so a character is gong to be blogging. The character will take bits of my life and turn it into something interesting. A normal day of school or relaxing for me will be anything but for her!

She'll be starting within the next couple days so be watching the blog closely.

A couple things to know about this blog's features.
1. None of it will be edited. Because I am a horrible editor, as is my character, there will be grammatical mistakes. And because she will be blogging mostly off a tablet, you can expect autocorrect mishaps.

2. Anything previously posted here...probably crap now. Please do not take any past posts here seriously.

3. Anything written in the future is pure fiction. My character may use things I have done and twist them around, but it is all in good fun.

With that being said....enjoy! :)