Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In Honor of Shark Week

Hello Bloggers! Welcome back and thank you for staying tuned to this blog. Seriously, the author gets all giddy every time she sees people have read her blog.

Anyways, so this week is dubbed by Discovery Channel as "Shark Week" or I like to call it "Scare the people out of the ocean week." Don't get me wrong, I loves sharks. They are the coolest creatures I have ever seen. In Aquariums, they are the top thing I want to see while my mom is off taking pictures of the sea horses. But the last thing I want to know is that there was a shark attack only 2 years ago at a beach I was at last month. And yet, I sit on my couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch the craziness unfold on my TV screen.

In honor of Shark Week, my friends Grant, Taylor, Sarah and I went to the aquarium to check out some of the sharks and then back to Grant's house for a shark themed viewing party. Don't worry, no walking sharks showed up to ruin our good time. Instead, Conner showed up. We were at the aquarium and in the dark room themed for the shark tank. Taylor kept teasing Sarah about signing up for a cage dive with the bull sharks, which we all had learned were the ones who would attack swimmers with no fear. I was writing some things down in a notebook when someone, I thought first was Grant, had joined me. "Such a calm animal for something with so much power." I looked over to comment when I realized it was Conner. "What the crap?!" I hissed quietly. Conner gave me his classic smile and crossed his arms, "I heard you spoke with Annalee," he said ignoring my reaction. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the tank, "Yeah, okay, so?" I asked.
Conner chuckled, "I'll just assume she told you about our first meeting. Do you believe in the supernatural? Things that shouldn't exist?" he asked. I glared at him, did he really just ask that question? "No, I don't believe in the supernatural," I sarcastically spat. Conner laughed and nodded, "Alright, I deserved that one." I crossed my arms and gave him the cold shoulder, "What do you want Conner?" I asked under my breath.
"To let you know I'm checking some things out. Your sister and I have already started working on a theory that could help both of you defend yourselves and repel your little monsters," he replied. I pressed my lips together. Again, my sister was doing something without telling me. We were gong to have a a serious talk later. "Don't worry about anything, Ronie. Enjoy the time you have with your friends, we'll talk again soon," Conner said quietly. To my surprise, Conner pulled my arm out of its cross and kissed my hand. Before I had time to react, he left.

Sarah asked me a million questions later on about the boy who had talked to me at the aquarium. All I could tell her was that he was a friend of my sister's that I hadn't seen in a while. We then turned out attention back to Day of the Shark 3 on TV and forgot about it.

Well, not too eventful. Sorry for the lame post but I figured I'd share it anyways. Its just...weird. I only just met this guy, so why was he being so....oh what's that word! Ugh. Anyways, you get my point. Right?

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Introduce my Sister and the Author Speaks

Hello crazy bloggers! I have returned! And this time...I've brought another blogger with me. 
Hello all!
*face palm* Everyone, meet my sister Lee. She will blogging along with me from her college campus.
That's right, y'all. ;) I'll be blogging from my perspective so you get the whole story.
Oh gosh...*sigh* I apologize ahead of time, guys. This may turn messy if we ever blog at the same time again.
Oh you're just a pessimist aren't you? Everything is going to be just fine! 

Anyways, Lee and I will be posting when we can. With school just around the corner for us and the author being so crazy busy too, it might be a surprise when we post again.

My posts will start next week after I get back to my dorm and move some things around in my room. Hopefully I'll be able to fill in some gaps that Veronica leaves in her posts.
....Right....good luck with that...

Now we don't have an actual "story" to tell you guys this week, so just consider this your recap.

Here's what's happened so far:
My name is Ronie, and I have an attraction for monsters. (Trouble, you have an attraction for trouble. Not just monsters.)
I went to summer camp and got blobbed by big foot's cousin and sent home early. (*snicker* sorry, I can just see your face in this moment!)
I went swing dancing and met a stranger. (Why she didn't smack him the first time they met, I'll never know)
Went out to meet stranger, found out his name was Conner and found out he knew more than he was letting on. (Isn't that how it always works with the mystery guys? I mean take a look at...SHUT IT!)
Finally, met up with my sister and heard her side of everything. (And no, she's not going to say another word. Sister oath until I say so.)

See! That wasn't so bad, was it? 
Depends on your definition.

Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed the recap and update from us. Check back soon for more updates and be sure to leave us a comment and share the blog with your friends! :)

From the Author
Hi everyone! Thanks for being patient and sticking with the blog even though I'm late getting these guys to post. xP

As they said above they will be posting together. Lee from her college campus and Ronie from home. I'm excited to add Lee to the blog as it will give another set of eyes on everything and maybe we'll see another story come into light.

Something I want to do is give you guys time to ask questions every week. Whether it's for the characters or for me, I want to hear you guys out! So, starting next Friday (if questions come in) I want to do a Q&A post where your questions get answered. You can start posting your questions on this post and I'll check them out next week to answer them!

Be on the look out for more updates from me and recaps from Ronie and Lee! Bye for now! :)