Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This One Time at Camp....

You would think a girl would have time to blog some during the summer. Not this girl apparently. Apparently instead of letting me have my own time, I got sent to summer camp, aka social torture and technology lock down.

I told you last post that I was like you, but I apparently have differences. These differences showed themselves a little too much this week. Turns out that the "mean girls" of camp weren't my only worry of the week, but the lake monster and the monsters in the woods were. This is where all you bloggers go, "Monsters? You're crazy, there's no such thing as monsters!" 
This is also where I laugh at your ignorance. You have no idea what kind of monsters lurk around us everyday. But that's a topic for another day.

Today, I'm going to tell you about the lake incident. Ever heard of this thing called a blob? Its this big air cushion that sits on a body of water that people enjoy jumping on and then sending another person flying. Why people enjoy this thing I'm not sure. Somehow, though, a friend of mine convinced me to try it. I jumped onto the air cushion and crawled over to the launching part. When I looked back to give my friend the green light, instead of my friend standing on the diving board it was one very large and harry beast. You could probably call him big foot, but I think big foot would be offended. Anyways, the thing scared the crap out of everyone that they could do nothing but scream at it. He leaped off the diving board and before I could slide off I was shot into the air. I'm not sure what harry beast's goal was, but if it was to give me the worst belly flop in human history I'm pretty sure he succeeded. I smacked onto the water and went limp under the surface. The lake was unusually clear and that was unfortunate for me because when I was able to see again I saw the lake monster. No, I am not kidding. This thing was a monster with sharp claws and pointy teeth. I'm pretty sure I shot out of the water faster than anyone else had before. I was put in the sick house and my parents were called immediately. To say I was kicked out would be putting it mildly. 

And that, my dear bloggers, is why yours truly is never going back to summer camp. 

Any odd camp stories? Weird food? Cabin stories? My author will probably take these and do something with them in a video or something...either that or just laugh at them. Most likely the latter.

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